Sunday, 14 December 2008

Video conferencing is fun!

The highlight of the Selhovian Project Kick Off Meeting was definitely the video conference! Due to some technical hickups (finally solved by ICT expert Eugenio) the students, both in Cudillero and The Hague had to wait about an hour , before the internet connection started to function properly. So the tension was growing with every minute..... But all of a sudden: yess! There they are, our email friends some 2000 kilometers away. In Holland lady speaker Sandrine and gentleman speaker Chevy introduced their classmates. In IES Selgas everybody had to speak for him or herself: My name is, my hobbies are... A most exciting experience that probably nobody ever will forget!


  1. It was a pleasure to help you but most important being there with you and sharing the experience. Videoconferencing was really fun, I agree. And I enjoyed seeing the kids having such a great time! We have to do more videoconferences so count with me! And I would like to send my greetings to the students at the Hofstad and also to Hans and Bjorn, of course also the the teachers and students at IES Selgas. And for everybody, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Asturias!

    Eugenio Alvarez

  2. Thanks for your nice message, Eugenio! And for your most appreciated assistance during the video conference. Gretings from Holland! Prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

    Hans Smit, editor of TSN
