Sunday, 8 March 2009

Hans Smit of Hofstad Lyceum visited IES Selgas

Hans Smit, geography teacher of Hofstad Lyceum in The Hague (Holland) came over to Cudillero and stayed two schooldays long at IES Selgas. He both gave lessons (in English) and attended lessons (in Spanish). He had prepared an interactive presentation, not only for the bilingual students (the “Selhovians”) but also for the “bahilleratos” and the teachers who form the “speakers group” on Friday morning. His story was about The Netherlands, focusing on water management. His audience had to find out what makes The Netherlands so special. Every student got two hand-outs to be filled in, one of them being a criss cross puzzle. The pupils were very interested in the film “A closer look at The Netherlands”, which supplied them with all the information they needed for their assignments. The guest teacher from “Los Países Bajos” had also brought along some typical Dutch candies: drop and stroopwafels. Everybody seemed to appreciate that.

Mr. Smit also followed some lessons given by his IES Selgas colleagues in order to enhance his command of the Spanish language. Most interesting was a geography lesson about the Ciudad Astur, which is in many ways comparable to The Greenheart Metropolis (Randstad Holland) in The Netherlands. He was sitting next to “his” Selhovian student Ruben during the Spanish lesson, took part in a flute concert organized by music teacher Francisco and laughed a lot during a well organized debate about sex-related issues!!
During a nice meal after an inspiring school day at Selgas, Hans Smit discussed together with principal Ana and Head of Studies Francisco the future of the exchange project between IES Selgas and Hofstad Lyceum. The three of them agreed: exchanging knowledge and experiences is a real contribution to up-to-date education. ¡Viva la internacionalización! ¡Viva Europa!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Hans Smith's visit to our school was a new motivating learning experience in which our studens could learn some interesting things about The Hague and water management in Holland. For them it was a different lesson, probably their first Geography lesson in English, and it was a very good experience! The teachers of our "speaking club" also enjoyed the lesson (and, of course, the tasty stroopwafels too!!)
    I hope we will continue working together in new projects.
